Sunday, June 05, 2005

Gained a Fren...

It's been abt 4 days? after i found out somethings about a certain dun deserved to be mentioned person.. this is a bit too soft on the person le.. anyways.. hope he dies a slow and painful death...

anyway... after this lesson in life.. i've gained a fren.. Candice.. took courage for her to come n tok to me.. i truly admire her for that.. Ohh... and her bday is like 1 day b4 mine~!! 28th June~!!! hee.. can celebrate with her too.. funnie that we became frens not enemies..

i'm feeling better already.. thanks to her.. she's been really kind, caring n supporting.. but on the other hand.. i'm also worried about her.. can she pull through this? i'm a happy go lucky person with some bad ass sense of humour... and with frens and cousins to stand by me..

Jo tells me how i know it's completely over? truth is i dunno.. if she wans to continue with him.. i won't be jealous.. will wish her all the best.. time to move on with my life.. difference with me n jo is.. i'm not in love with him anymore.. or even like him anymore.. it's a FULLSTOP already... no more heartaches... for the time being.. enough is enough.. will find someone better..

i'm almost back to my old self.. 80% back.. 20% still not there yet.. gimme 1 more or 2 more days.. i promise..

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