okie.. for those for repeatedly ask me went am i going to cut my hair.. well... i juz trimmed it today.. heehee.. the hair stylist took at least 2 inches off.. as well as a heavy load off my head.. haha.. it feels so much lighter.. i also got a fringe that i'm not too used to.. haha..
y the sudden urge to go trim my hair?? well... i hav another interview 2molo.. so got to look presentable right?? haha.. think it's money well spend.. $110 for my hair.. haha.. cut, style, treatment.. not bad lah.. haha.. poor Jolene had to wait for me for like 2 hours.. =P heehee..
Jo said i look damn demure.. do i?? haha.. Candice say i very zhi lian cos i take self pic again.. haha.. *bleah* cannot help it lah.. haha..

Taken using Jo's hp.. after i did my eyebrows..
When i came home.. heehee
today also spent alot of money.. did my hair.. went to trim my eyebrows.. buy cardigan (mom took mine with her).. buy new pair of ear rings from Grace's shop in Marina Square... wax for my hair.. so that i can style it.. think total.. i spend abt close to $300?? hahah.. oh well.. i love myself.. got to pamper ma.. if i dun pamper me who's gonna do it??? hee...

Wax for my hair..
New pearl ear rings.. bought from Grace's shop
went to Swensen for dinner with Jo.. den took a bus home.. i'm broke but i'm happy.. heehee... *grinZ*
okie.. got to go pack my bag and things.. think going Cherie's place to stay.. i THINK only.. not comfirm.. got to wait for her to call me...
Ciao people... *mucks*