Last night (24th Sept) went out drinking with MS, Yap, Fei Bian, Melvin, Mark (Fei Bian's other fren) and JL.. Met MS at Clark Quay MRT @ 10pm.. den we walked to Forbidden City where Yap was waiting for us.. haha.. there was no tables for us.. so sad.. so we sat at one long bench.. sound system damn good.. haha.. damn loud.. had my usual.. Strawberry Martini... yummy.. hee.. after when Fei Bian n his frens arrive.. we wanted to change venue.. cos no table hard to tok.. den it's like quite pack..
During the time while we were waiting for Fei Bian to reach forbidden city.. had a sms from Jolene.. she said that ger was angry with her.. she was rather upset.. asked her if she n Cherie argued over something.. she said no.. asked her wat happen.. she said that she dunno... mmm... den she said cos suddenly Cherie did not ask her out or call or sms her.. even to reply her.. 1st thing which came into her mind was that Cherie was angry with her.. haiZ.. told her not to think too much.. cos Cherie might be too bz.. den Jo said that She's going clubbing and that she did not even invite her.. even though Cherie knew that Jo can't go.. but normally she would also ask all the same.. told Jo not to think too much again.. and asked her to try to sleep.. after i put down the phone with her.. Called Cherie.. Weitang answered and i asked him to pass the msg to her..
Once Fei Bian came.. we were thinking of either heading for DBL O or MoMo.. in the end, we went to Siam Supper Club.. the Bartenteress were.. whooo... sexy... in short short kimono... whoo.. haha.. music was not too bad.. but the place a bit small.. and there was no dance floor.. Soon not long after we sat down n ordered drinks.. Cherie sms me saying that she was not angry with Jo.. and asked if i wanted to join her at DBL o.. as there was 4 guys n 2 girls.. me n MS went over to queue for DBL O.. much to the guess surprise.. hahaha.. =X
wished Cherie happy birthday cos it was almost pass midnight.. den introduced MS to Cherie, Felicia and Weitang.. as i was walking into the club.. i think i saw Justin heading for the loo.. didn't call him.. juz in case it was not him... haha.. saw Raymond n his fren... forgot his name.. and Kate.. den stayed there for a while... b4 heading back to Siam Supper CLub..

Outside Siam Supper Club while waiting for JL

Me n MS
Back at Siam Supper Club.. JL called and said that she was on the way.. and was reaching.. so me n MS went out n welcome JL... hahah.. waved bye bye to JL's sisters.. Karen n Jac's 大姐.. b4 bring JL into the club..


there was this cute looking guy at the end of the bar.. muahhaha.. MS kept looking at him.. haha... i disturbed MS.. telling her to go over n get his number.. but she didn't dare.. so i told JL.. haha.. as i knoe that Jac will dare to go over n help MS.. haha.. n she really did.. the guy was cute.. seriously cute.. not bad looking too.. too bad got gf le.. haha.. anyway.. he came over to say hi to MS.. haha.. so sweet hor?? hahaha.. JL asked him how come he was alone.. his reply was that his frens was at the other side.. but his GF was working in the bar.. so he's there to wait for her.. Ohhh.. so sweet hor.. haha..
after a while, headed outside again.. was drizzling a bit.. Melvin said that he wanted to go to MoMo.. everyone was okie except Fei Bian.. cos he said that MoMo was boring.. so they said that so DBL o.. cos me n MS had already paid cover.. but in the end they didn't come out.. cos thought that the club close at 3am but on sat it closed at 4am.. so in the end.. i went to find Kate, Weitang they all..
at the end of the night or rather in the wee hours in the morning.. Felica was drunk and so was Cheire.. helped Fel to the loo in the club.. while Cherie went to the one downstairs.. Weitang was there to help Fel down the stairs.. when we came out of the club.. Raymond's fren said that Cherie went to the Ladies and they said that she was very high.. and they asked me to go check if she's alright.. so i headed to the loo.. waited for her to come out.. and helped her out.. weitang called and said that Andrew was around.. told cherie.. as we were walking back to Weitang, Felica they all.. Andrew called her.. i left her with him.. and i walked ahead.. told Raymond's fren that it was okie.. went back n saw that Fel was puking.. took out my hair clip n clip her hair out of the way.. while weitang was patting her back..
as both girls got into the cab.. andrew asked if i was okie.. i gave him a funnie look.. n suan him.. Do u think i'm drunk?? hahha.. oh well.. that's the way i am.. i control my drinking.. i know my limits.. i know myself.. i dun want to disgrace myself..
took a cab back.. long time never club le.. as in hardcore clubbing.. haiz.. miss it man.. haha..

My Makeup b4 clubbing.. hair bunned up..

Acting Cute.. haha.. *puke*
Think my head too heavy on one side.. haha
With Specs.. haha.. ya.. i went clubbing with my specs..
Closer look..
After clubbing.. haha.. abt 5+am..
See my pana eyes.. haha.. =D
woke up at 1.50pm.. smsed Jo to tell her if we could meet at 2.30pm instead of 2.. haha.. cos cannot wake up.. damn hard to wake up.. haha.. was so stoned.. went to Mos Burger to eat.. den walked a while more.. we both headed to Herren.. and sat down to tok cok a while.. Saw Michelle Chia n her BF Shawn.. Wah.. so Yan Dao.. Whoo.. they make a nice couple... =)
after our drinks we walked around in herren b4 heading over to PS.. i showed Jo the puzzle i did for Cherie n Qi.. walked somemore.. den we went to Zee n Zed.. n den i saw the game.. Luxor.. a damn additive game.. haha.. bought it.. and we went to Swensens to pamper ourselves.. b4 heading home.. hee...

Zed & Zee

Damn Addictive.. cos of this game.. mom's playing on the com.. haha

Spot the Difference in the 2 pics of the deep fried mushrooms.. *yummy*
I'm eating the mushroom
My Chocolate Freakles Peak
Jo's something Malt with Chocolate Balls.. haha
She Luffed until Jaw Cramped up.. haha
Outside Ps without flash
With Flash..
In Black n White..
Me.. So stoned..
Jo.. haha..
going to have a bz week ahead.. Tuesday going to Jo's place to swim.. den Wed going to meet MS for lunch.. den Thurday meeting Cheire to pass her her present as well as to makan.. Jo's coming along.. only that i've not told cherie yet.. i will 2molo.. =D *yawnZ* tired le.. need to go sleep b4 my eye bags gets worst...