Wednesday, March 07, 2007


have been in a very foul mood these days... i guess every time i'm in a bad mood makes me just wanna blog...

why does he always have to irritate me? he always brush it off by saying it's a joke wat. his jokes is not always funny. it's lame. it's childish. sometimes it even hurts people. have told him so many bloody fucking times but it does not get into this brain of his.

he never learns. so i finally put a stop to all of it. and he still is IRRITATING ME!!! must i report to him that i want to sleep? must i take down the timing before i go to bed so that i can tell him that i am sleeping? must i tell him so sweetly that i am already sleeping and i do not wish to talk? NO FUCKING WAY. There is no way i am able to talk to someone sweetly who disturbs my SLEEP after irritating me!! what bloody right have you got to tell me off by telling me to tell u nicely? this is my life, i live it the way i want to live it and not by what you want me to do.

If you want someone to live their live the way you want them too. Go find your GF and screw her with your fucking thoughts. i had enough of you.

Sometimes there are things which you can never have.


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